
Of a disastrous entry.

mood: woah!

I believe that the recent disasters in the world are caused by bad karma. Take New Orleans for instance. Or better yet the United States of America. Look what has happened to them. A very bad series of natural disasters hit them when they were not ready. Especially the first hard-hitter that took New Orleans in despair. Okay, what famous activity takes place in New Orleans? Mardi Gras. I think that answers my own question. In addition, U.S.A.'s recent disasters, remember Iraq's long-term invasion by the Americans? I rest my case.

Around thirty thousand or more people are killed by a monstrous earthquake, which came out of nowhere. Mostly Asian countries like Pakistan and India. How about these countries? They are war stricken. They have these nuclear devices. Thank nature for that.

So, what's next? North Korea?

Looks like The Philippines is in line too. Have you ever been to Boracay during the holy week? Heh. I hope i'm wrong.

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.

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