
Of this should've been posted the other day.

So, it is not just entirely me.

I know people don’t really feel Christmas this year. Is it regarding the weather? Is it regarding the climate? How about the financial status or the political stability of our nation or maybe the economic crisis that is killing the whole world?

Or maybe it is in that certain feeling that makes Christmas just… well… meh (or ok or yeah or whatever it is that I don’t understand).

Oh yes, this is a boooring entry… Zzzz. Just like what i’m feeling right now.

Anyhoo, it is really hard to explain with what’s happening and with the gloomy Christmas that I am having (or for some people who are experiencing it too), I feel that I’ve only experienced a few artificial highs this month, one of which is Manny’s victory but that is so babaw. I’m sure it is.

Again, I can’t explain it. Is it safe to say that during Christmas people take advantage of other people such as those unscrupulous traders? Or the extreme traffic that has been caused by the numerous Filipinos who always cram regarding their Christmas shopping.

Or even the sickening voices of carolers who do it every year… stop caroling if you’re just in it for the money.

Or the people who ask “charity” from people in buses, jeepneys, malls, etc… and you very well know that it is just a form of scam.

And another artificial high is the MMFF week… where I might watch all the films including Magkaibigan and Desperadas 2 pordyosporsanto.

With all the negative crap that has been denouncing my positive faith. I will not back down. I will still say that I’m happy this month. I will still say that my friends and my family would not just give me that artificial high but would give me what the Christmas spirit is.

I will still feel that Christmas is the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ where he died on the cross and saved us from our original sins and even saved humanity in all aspects that you can think of.

And I will still be extremely happy that I really still have my family despite the nuances that I’m worried year after year after year.


Oh well… It is really better to be a child during Christmas, artificial or not, they appreciate Christmas in any way possible.


Hooray. Emo on Christmas.

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