
Of on my own research take 1.

Frogs versus toads.

Up until now I’m still confused with the main difference of a frog and a toad. I tried to make a research and here’s what I got. They are practically the same. I won’t post the scientific mumbo jumbo for these creatures. They have the ff. scientific classification:

Kingdom: Animalia :: Phylum: Chordata :: Class: Amphibia :: Order: Anura

Wikipedia provides the rest of the Oh-so interesting stuff that once you start reading, you’ll surely stop everything with what you’re doing.

In short, I didn’t really read that crap in Wikipedia and instead did a real research for the most important differences of the frog and the toad.

I noted ten important things that might or can help with the real scientific research with the difference of a toad and a frog.

Most obvious difference: Even a six-year old can answer this one. The main difference of a toad and a frog is in its spelling and the number of letters that forms the two words. I’ve tried thinking out of the box and found a better solution for this argument. Let’s make it alphabetical.

Winner: Frog.

Habitat: Frogs live in the urban areas. They usually create a harmonious orchestra whenever there is a great flood in your area. They don’t do Bud-Weis-Errr though. Toads live in the rural areas. You’ll often see those helping farmers with farming (duh). Rural areas have a longer life cycle compared with those living in the urban areas.

Winner: Toad.

Who is the better parent: Frogs have all the books about parenting; they are psychologically fit with how to handle kids; they are capable of sending their little tadpoles to the best schools. Toads rely on the little tadpoles’ capability to adapt to the rural life. The parent toad’s approach to parenting is quite different but they sure love their little ones.

Winner: Both.

Celebrity Appeal: Frogs have Street Frogs, Kermit The Frog,, The Frog Prince while toads have Princess Toadstool and Toad from the Marvel Universe. (I’m sure there are more known frogs in the business.

Winner: Frog.

Telepathy: Both frogs and toads are granted with the power of telepathy. Why aren’t they talking with their kin? (You’d probably ask, hey, they communicate with each other noh! Well, have you seen two frogs or two toads talk to each other?)

Winner: Both.

Scrabble Points: Frog points… F is four points, R is one, O is one, and G is 2; a total of eight. Toad points… T is one, O is one, A is one, and D is two; a total of five points. This is a runaway winner for frog.

Winner: Frog.

A bowling game: There’s a story for this one. Paeng Nepomuceno should play for the frogs, apparently Paeng found out those toads weren’t that wealthy and he opted to play for the toads instead. CJ played with the frogs though. With Paeng’s recent Guinness update, he scored a perfect score. Again.

Winner: Toad.

Spelling Bee: The contest was cancelled when this was held. It was in the middle of summer and no toads or frogs can be seen. I think they went to a beach or something.

Winner: No one.

The healthiest: A group of scientist examined five of each species. They found out that the toads are healthier. The scientist didn’t disclose why the toads won this round. It was later found out that the frogs have been using performance enhancing drugs during the contest. They decided to give this one to their competition.

Winner: Toad.

The great debate: The frogs and toads didn’t join the debate anymore. The rainy season was starting and they need to procreate. They suggested that the last round should be the longest deed. The organizers informed them that the contest is PG-13 and it is written in the contract that they’ve signed that they have to finish the competition.

In the end, nobody won. Actually it is a tied game.



Got this in some forwarded mail (a fairly old mail):

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