
Of some newspaper clippings.

Shucks. Is it clippings or clipings?

Probably cleepings.

Anyhoo, I used to keep newspaper clippings of whatnots. From basketball games to favorite what-ebs. I was rummaging through my nostalgic stuff the other day (I'm throwing away my college notes) and saw three of the cleepings.

Are you familiar with the image above? I looked for this one due to the documentary of the Channel 7 people regarding presidents. Instantly, I remembered this newspaper. This was the last "episode" of The Manila Times dated 1999.

And years ago, I enjoyed reading the articles of Manong Dero. I even bought his "book", Jewels of the Mind. He had articles that contains Internet jokes. The later versions of these articles were purely sent by readers.

And this is the first time I saw something in media that I submitted.

The catch is I didn't use my actual name. I only used a pseudonym, Schwoi. (Magsesend lang kasi ng spam sabit pa.)

And lastly, this was mentioned with one of my posts months ago. Just look for the highlighted part in the image.


(oi, ituloy na natin sa December. Kahit one time big time lang. I know marami na kayong inaasikaso sa buhay pero at least maka-isang Sunday man lang tayo mga Unity pips. Wala pa namang work si Ate Jo ngayon.)

Isang Mamayedo nga dyan...

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