
Of a weekend.

Looks like my work is kicking in.

I've been "officially" placed in the PRA division. A division of our company wherein using the vacation leave is unheard of and holidays are ordinary days.

I just got my teeth fixed today (pasta and cleaning), around 1200 bucks were used (no reclaim here). And I think a flu is coming. Hopefully i'm good tomorrow. By the way, I hate my teeth. They suck. Really. I have to do a lot of things right now to fix it. Brushing, flossing, gurgling, massaging, etc. What the hell am I talking about? Dentist talk?

Anyhows, going back to my work. Did I mention that i'm on-call too? And practically, i'll be having no life this week and to two years to come. Hopefully, I won't be able to acquire health problems in the future. I'm so positive with this one that i'll be able to push through with it.


I really hope i'll have some time with my baby Ais.


Currently addicted with cataloging things.

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