
Of my job.

Wii! I'm still loving my job. Even though there are times when I really feel that I'm not capable of being a programmer, I just look at the bright side. The future.

They always say that the future is overrated. I agree with that. I think exaggeration helps us to pursue things and to make our lives better. I'm not saying that we should let the moolah control us. All i'm saying is, we don't need to think about that part anymore. We can do other things. We can plan and helping us to focus much better.


Lately, I have been having some disturbances in the force. I've been thinking of my future. What would happen if my parents die. I know that we talk about this topic in our house without any hesitations. My mom would always tell me that the papers for her burial, etc are in this folder or whatever. I'm just thinking about myself for the moment. What would happen to me? I'm not that capable of being a breadwinner for the moment. I guess being an only child really affects my future.


I still know that I have somebody who'll save me now and in the future. I have her by my side. I'm somehow scared but i'm ready for anything.

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