
Of a weekendy weekend.

I still bevlieve that there are good samaritans out there. Especially that guy who called out my name because my allowance fell from my pocket. I can't believe it. We would still be saved... And we won't turn into salt.


Just bought an E-heads and Pne songbook last Saturday. Wee!!!!


When I got home yesterday I saw in our fridge... a liter of C2. Wow!!!! I wuv C2 so much. So much? So much.


Also got a new game. The latest Heroes game. It was so fine and it was very different from the previous Heroes' titles. Yeah!!!!


F.O.Q. last Friday, Aga Muhlach's leading ladies since 1993 (or was it 1990?). I got six actresses. And the contestants??? Sucky suckers.

F.O.Q. earlier, you must be kidding me. The different PRC-engineering board something something. I got six again. Yey!


And probably i'll be having a new career next month. Hooray for that!!!

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