
Of the lastnato #

Forgive me; I’m still following the Cannes – Ebert connection. And I still can’t let it go since we have such interesting kababayans. But it is really more interesting if someone like this made a comment:


“3) Is he really called "Brilliante"? Is that a real name?”


The person who commented this is:


“By Gilbert Murloneycakes



“Ebert: People namd Murloneycakes should not cast the first stone. I'm sure that's your real name.”


And the comment still continued but not as funny as the first one:


Gilbert Mulroneycakes

Why, of course it's my real name, how else could I have misspelled it so well?

Just curious; either "Brilliante" is a real name, or it's a pretty desperate and apparently misguided piece of self-aggrandisement.

Ebert: He has also used the name "Dante Mendoza."”

He didn’t get it. Heh…



And I just got a scoop yesterday that this certain uber yaman individual is financing promotions and concerts.

And I’m going to leave the idea hanging.

1 Statements:

Gilbert Mulroneycakes said...

I still can't believe I typed "Murloneycakes" instead. What a dope.