
Of a some kinda spoiler.

(What???? Another HP entry? You are out of your mind boy.)

Should I write my sentiments regarding the book? No. Or i'm not sure.

I was thinking earlier the saddest part of what had happened.

What's next?

We all know that it had been a great ride. We have to accept the fact that this is just a "fad" (just like the beatles and meteor garden, hehe) for some people.

Will Rowling do a Tolkien? Where he expanded his realm? Or Rowling would just make new stories? Or we could find a new hero.

And the thing is, the whole world was really swept by this lightning-scar-boy. From the pope to the CD crowd.

Oh well.


Remember me in 8th place? (check out my old entries) I found out the truth. I should've been in that position. I should be in third place. Could you believe that? I rule. Hehehe.


I just found out from my baby that there is a SONA later. Isn't it nice to have a president? A point person for all our problems. It is so easy.

I don't have a job. Blame the president. I am poor. Blame the president. I wasn't able to buy HP7 because of the budget. Blame the president. GMA 7's Marimar remake suck. Blame the president.


I miss "blogging". I miss writing useless trivia. I miss writing stupid things. I miss writing with bad grammar. I miss using the company's bandwidth for personal use.


Thank God for St. Francis. I have seen old movies that I know I can't acquire from our local video stores. I've finally seen North by Northwest, The Sting, Bram Stroker's Dracula, Duck Soup, And Now For Something Completely Different, and other stuff.


I also found out (just now, i'm watching the news) that some schools are suspended later. I miss school.

Regarding school, backtrack 6 years ago, I was talking with my cousins and my mom. And they asked me if I could choose two things, office or school, what would it be? I answered school and they answered office.

I can now answer office.


Sadness. My alma mater lost earlier today. Oh well, it is still early.

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