
Of ranting.

mood: calm

I'm depressed these days. I can't express it in here but all I can say is that sometimes it sucks when society decides to make you a bad person. I just can't believe that this is happening to me. But i'm trying to fight it off. Even if this takes months or years. I know I could pull this through. I just have to have faith in myself.

Don't you hate it when security guards act as if they own your life? Just because they were trusted with guns by the company they would act as if they are these high ranking people? I just don't get it. Some of these security guards didn't even finish college yet they carry firearms.

China is a proud country (In a bad sense of course). They didn't attend Pope John Paul II's burial. Why? Because there were repretantives from Taiwan and they would only go there if the Taiwanese would leave the place. What kind of people are these? They don't respect Pope John Paul II. They don't respect short-term peace. I believe in karma. Sooner or later they're going to get it.

Who is Avril Lavigne? Is she somebody? I just don't get it. She entered the Philippines as if she is somebody. She should go with her yaya, Mariah Carey. They both act as if they're somebody.

I'm so addicted with Cellphone java games.

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