
Of Majayjay.

Mood: relieved

My family (including Ais) went to Majayjay, Laguna yesterday. It was quite an adventure. We went there with the other Marriage Encounter friends of my parents. We’ve managed to get there through the Rizal route. It was quite zig-zaggy but it was fun. Better than any Star City ride. Anyway, we arrived at around 10 in the morning and our group seems a bit disorganized. That’s okay though, I don’t really mind that. Then, Ais and me went swimming after we ate. The water was so cold that we went swimming for less than an hour. Adding the fact that the place was not so clean. By the way, we went swimming in a creek (?). I’m not so sure what they call it. The water in the creek came from top of the mountain. So, I’m assuming that there are people living at the top and we are using the water they’ve used. That’s okay though; there are rocks to filter the unwanted parts of the water. After the swimming part, Ais, my mom and me played Tong-its until it’s time to go home. Nobody went home with the pot money.

When we went home yesterday, the good part of the first half turned around 180 degrees. The usual three-hour drive is replaced with an exhausting five-hour drive. Our vehicle broke down a couple of times. Isn’t it fun if you’re with somebody who gives a negative aura? This person easily overpowered the positive energy. It really sucks to go to this kind of trips. I just hope this won’t happen again.

I also watched Windstruck, the epilogue of My Sassy Girl, yesterday. I watched this movie with Ais. It was not as good as MSG but almost equally funny. I guess the con of the movie is the sad ending. A good movie to catch…

Did you celebrate yesterday’s occasion?

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